法国POWER SONIC蓄电池PS-12100石化工业
PS and PSH-Series General Purpose used for :
Emergency Lighting
Burglar/Fire Alarms
Data Centers
Solar and Alternative Energy
Portable Communications
Wind Turbines
Remote Monitoring
Portable Video Equipment
Portable Lighting
Photographic Equipment
Scientific Instruments
Test and Measuring Equipment
and much more...
PG-Long Life and PHR-High Rate Series used for :
Communication & Telecom Systems
UPS - Uninteruptible Power Supplies
Power Station Applications
Remote Monitoring
Remote Area Power Generation
Remote Access Devices
and much more...
Can I use an AGM battery for my wheelchair?
You can use an AGM battery for your wheel chair; however, our cyclic Gel battery is more suitable for this application.
Are they suitable for golf trolleys?
See Power-Sonic Gel range.
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Can I charge them upside down / at an angle?
Batteries can be charged at an angle but not upside down.
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How do I dispose of my old battery?
Your battery can be returned to Power-Sonic. Please see address details on our contact page.
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What should I do before replacing my faulty battery?
Before replacing your battery please ensure the charger is functioning correctly, as many battery failures are caused by faulty chargers.
Power-Sonic is experienced and efficient in responding to customer enquiries, for any quantity of batteries. Our excellent record for accurate and timely delivery ensures buyers remain loyal to Power-Sonic.
电源-声波是经验丰富和高效的回应客户的询问,任何数量的电池.我们在准确和及时交货方面的出色记录确保了买家对Power的忠诚- 声波。
Next-day delivery in the UK and 2-5 days for the rest of Europe, together with our commitment to tailor our service to our customer's exact inventory and service requirements, are also important factors in the longstanding and growing customer base we enjoy.
第二天在英国交货,在欧洲其他地区交货2至5天,加上我们致力于根据客户的确切库存和服务需求定制我们的服务,这也是重要的事实。 RS在我们长期成长的客户群中享有盛名。
Our dedicated service team has a strong belief in building close relationships with our customers and in ensuring smooth handling of orders. At Power-Sonic, we prioritise accuracy and ensure appropriate advice is given to ensure complete customer satisfaction.
我们专注的服务团队坚信与我们的客户建立紧密的关系,并确保订单的顺利处理。在Power-Sonic公司,我们优先考虑准确性和确保适当性。 TE建议是为了确保客户完全满意。