Power Sonic蓄电池PG-12V75 FR
Power-Sonic is dedicated to continual product development, enabling us to offer solutions for all industry requirements, worldwide. We pride ourselves on product quality, performance and reliability, meeting the industry standards, with VdS, NPC and UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approvals and with certified manufacturing conditions and processes.
Our rechargeable batteries have superior performance characteristics and value. This is achieved through advanced engineering and state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, and by the use of only premium raw materials.
Power-Sonic rechargeable batteries offer all these benefits:
Sealed and maintenance-free
Long shelf-lives - a low self-discharge rate permits storage of a fully-charged Power-Sonic 12V 7AH for up to a year at room temperature before charging is required
Design flexibility - can be used in series and/or parallel for choice of voltage and capacity
Economical, as manufactured from readily-available and relatively low-cost materials
Easy to handle - classified as a non-hazardous commodity
Compact - high energy density results in superior powerolume and power/weight ratios
High discharge rate
Wide operating temperature range
Rugged construction - the impact-resistant battery case is made of non-conductive ABS plastic or styrene, providing excellent resistance to shock, vibration, chemicals and heat
Long service life - under normal operating conditions, 4 or 5 years of dependable service life can be expected from the Power-Sonic 12V 7AH in stand-by applications
We hold extensive stocks of our PS range, (standby / float charge application), including all the key models displayed in our product summary sheet.
1 certificate confirms our on-going commitment to quality and improvement.mprovement.xperienced service team ensures that our customers are
POWER SONIC电池是欧洲军用级别电池的核心,一直在全球电池业务中成为主导力量至今42年。POWER SONIC电池于1999年与2000年分别完成ISO9001与ISO14001认证,2002年通过 OHSAS18001 认证。至2007年又完成占地达20万平方公尺于欧洲厂房,2008年通过TL9000通信/通讯电子业质量系统验证。
POWER SONIC电池拥有产品线广度完整及弹性制造技术的竞争优势,迄今已开发出超过400种不同用途之电池,并持续开发电动车,太阳能及风力等再生能源用电池。对于产品创新发展无穷尽的追求与态度。
POWER SONIC电池自1993年起陆续与法国工研院材料所合作深度放电用密闭式电池、电动机车用电池及高功率改质电池等之开发,并多方引入新技术,更投资了许多先进的设备来彰显我们对客户与时俱进;永续发展的信念与承诺。涵盖了全球企业的各个方面的业务,无论你的需求是什么样的电池,我们将呈现更完美的电池产品。
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